Dave and Jan's 2019 Mexico Trip
We fly to Puerto Vallarta for 13 days
Once a tiny fishing village, Puerto Vallarta has retained all the quaint charms of the original colonial fishing village, yet functions as a modern resort.

Vallarta Torres VI Timeshare Condos
One Bedroom with Kitchen 9 days


We hang out at the beach most every day
Here's Dave watching a parasail launch

Walking the beach every morning and evening
That's downtown Puerto Vallarta in the distance. With ornate architecture, Puerto Vallarta is one of the friendliest and most diverse beach destinations in Mexico.

Jewelry Seller
We thought the same 15 people walked by every hour

You see just about everything
These horses were good looking and well groomed

Mango seller

Carvings Seller
I think the asking price started at $70 for this nice palm tree. Can you imagine getting that in your suitcase?

We were told not to swim because the water had a high bacteria count.
 VI Condo management said this was due to a sewer pipe break.
These people weren't told, or didn't care!
We were disappointed, came back queasy last year so didn't risk it.

The hotel next door had a big party every afternoon
We loved this "suds shooter"
It was some kind of a contest but the announcer was speaking Spanish.
Note the extension cord laying on the wet deck

Making the deal for a parasail ride
We figured the average cost was $50 for a 20 min ride

Deal done!
Final Instructions:
 Just stand here and the boat will pull you up in the air

Tow boat waiting just outside the breakers
Clouds came over the mountains from the south most every afternoon


Another launch
They had a whistle to signal the tow boat to "hit it"

More final instructions

Inflate the sail and go!

We decide to go out for dinner at Cuale Paradiso
A cool restaurant along the Cuelo River on the eastern edge of town
Dave's having the condo security guard negotiate the cab fare.


Jan's enjoying her margarita

Shrimp Tacos

Jan enjoys a foot massage

This Mayan Warrior showed up in front of the umbrellas and did this great 5 min dance
Then he blew in a conch shell.
His friend, in the background beat rousting beat on a big drum.
He then circulated among us sun bathing tourists asking for donations. He was still cheerful if you didn't have any change

Jan on some rocks near the marina

We take a taxi and tour the Leyva Tequila factory about a half hour out of town.
That's Noah explaining the finer points of making Tequila
When the tour was over he wanted $60 for that bottle of the Reposito in his hand.

They pick the blue agave plant and crush the center.

Then it is cooked and distilled and then put in oak for the Reposito

Banderas Bay, one of the largest and deepest in in the world. Located at the mouth of the bay, straddling both sides of the Cuale River lays the charming town of Puerto Vallarta

We decide to take the public bus out to Punta de Mita
Almost two hours (each way) of local culture to a nice little restaurant for lunch.
Our plan was to check out the Marriott  (now "W") Hotel just near Punta Mita where we were moving in a few day's time.



Tuna Blanca Restaurant at the end of the bus line Punta Mita

Jan's enjoying the Guacamole at Tuna Blanca

Dive boat came ashore as we ate lunch. Asked them what they saw.
Swordfish, Seahorses, abundant marine life at 40'.
Punta Mita was a sleepy fishing village and now is one of the most exclusive resort communities in Mexico.

We move to the Marriott at Punta Mita
The beach was directly behind the photographer
No vehicles were used in the hotel complex.
Golf carts brought you down from an upper parking lot.
Our room was off to the left in a jungle setting

Night shot of our room.
You were not aware of any other people or rooms due to the placement of these buildings in a tropical jungle setting

The architecture of the hotel was unusual.
 This building had three rooms, each with floor to ceiling windows on the front and rear. The rear had 1x4 strips of wood hanging to give privacy to the bath.
Three minute walk straight down to the far end of the beach.



We sat on the beach in front of this unusual 200 ft long lap pool. It had 3" thick acrylic panels

Everyone sat around the other pool, we preferred the low key far end. Normally there were only two or three people at this end


Jan enjoying a Chardonnay

This lap pool was literally on the edge of the sand

There were good waves on this beach and we enjoyed swimming and the surf along with a few local surfers

Red Snapper for Lunch
Prepared like he'd never tasted before
In fact all of the food in this hotel was perfectly prepared and tasted out of this world

This was the cevichy bar. Made on the back of a 55 Chevrolet Truck next to the beach. This guy would whip up one of ten fresh, different chevichy dishes while you watched.

Dave doing underwater laps

Wayward surfer and his dogs

Looking West

Self-timer portrait

Had to get out of this guy's way in a hurry!
Our waterproof Olympus TG5 tuff camera did not survive the next three waves..
See the last five pictures on the SD Card

Lap pool end
Bar is straight ahead, kitchen on right
Circular seats put you at the right sitting height to have a cold one

Here's the other end of this odd lap pool, a ramp of white sand and a foot bath.
It gradually got deeper to about 5'

Time to head back to reality


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Copyright © 2019 Dave Ingebright