Direct flight from Seattle! 4Hr 40 min

Most days were spent walking the beach, swimming or enjoying the umbrella shade |

Here's the Vallarta Torre Condos
eighty or ninety units

Condo had an inner courtyard
with restaurant, two Jacuzzis, pool with raised thatched roof bar
Note the "parasailer" top center
Walking the beach
Downtown Puerto Vallarta in the distance |

Beach was alive with activities to watch

Dave enjoying the hot sand

Jan returning to her chair after jumping waves
We sat under a thatched umbrella for part of every day |

Jan is set for the day at the beach
The attendant would set you up with chairs, a little
table and woven mat

Coconut purchased from beach vendor |


We decide to rent a Hobie-Cat

That's Carlos and his friend Leo launching it

Jan holding on tight


Cruise Ship entering the harbor one morning.
We saw no mass of people on the beach. |

Here's Jan negotiating with a beach vendor

It was great fun watching the parasail launches
Here's someone getting the final instructions |

They'd get the sail filled with wind and then blow a
whistle for the boat to "hit it"

Power Boat would sit just outside the breakers

Recovery required good skill on the part of the
driver |

The sunsets were just awesome

Pirate Ship going out for nightly dinner cruise |

The last moments of a Sunset |

Making Tracks in the sand |

We saw several weddings on the beach

Here's another one being professionally photographed |


Take out dinners on the beach every evening |

We take a water taxi to a small village named
Yelapa about 40
minutes from PV
There are no roads to this village of 1,500... only access is by water.

We pass some snorkelers near the turtle rocks
It was a 40 minute ride |

We stop to drop off a guy at this dive boat

One of the stops along the way
Another small village called Los Animas

Arrival and departure from the
beach |

We decide to do a walking tour of the village
Here's our self-appointed guide "Ernesto"

Colorful and interesting village
Note the Tsunami sirens

There was a Margarita stop at this
guy's outdoor bar




Here's the falls and the focal point of the tour

Nice shot of the small bay |

Dave's chatting with a guy he met |


Girl with Iguana
You could hold it and have your picture taken for a few pesos

Lunch at the beach restaurant
Shrimp Tacos |

Jan meets a dog-friend

We head home after a fun day trip to Yelapa

Two friends from the day run into difficulty with
He wanted a bigger tip. Note his hand is out and the worried looks lin
the girls faces

We rescue them and buy another round |

Jan checking out the goods for sale down the beach

Rented a Jetski
It was great fun!


Trips Index
Copyright ©2018 Dave Ingebright |