Taliesin West tour 

Frank Lloyd Wright's desert house

Back Yard

Meeting Room outside

Living room outside


Living room inside. Note the cool plywood chair design

Another shot of the living room



Wright used local red rocks and concrete tamped into wooden forms

All walls were thick
Local rocks in cement.


Meeting room with projection screen. Note the hidden lights project triangles on the top of the wall.



Tour guide is explaining the layout of the houses and has aerial photographs of the original 300 acre parcel.


This room had no parallel surfaces and the acoustics were phenomenal. A piano sits in the alcove to the right of the stage.

Local petroglyph found during construction.
The outline on the left side of the rock was used by Wright to replicate the angles used in the building design.


Drafting room
Most of the Wright foundation income comes from apprentices who  live and work at the complex here and the one in Wisconsin

Apprentices are encouraged to design/build one room houses on the property. ..and then go live there alone for a time. to better understand the how nature blends architecture

"Form follows function" was one of Mr. Wright's sayings
Here's another apprentice-constructed one-room houses

Link to Wright foundation

More Dave's Wright favorite houses

More Arizona 2014-2015

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