Lewis River Trip /  August 2012

Benz and Bikes

Campsite at the Lewis River Lower Falls Campground

The Lewis River Lower Falls was formed by a lava flow 20,000 yrs ago


There were few people and miles of great mountain biking trails

The Lower Falls from below

The Falls from above, it was pretty spectacular

Here's a scan of the AAA map of the area. Lewis Falls camp at the far right, Windy Ridge in the middle


Fresh Elk footprints along an isolated river shore


The area had a nice stand of Spruce.
Appeared not to have ever been logged

Then we saw these four river kayakers preparing to go over the falls

We learned that they were a part of a photo shoot for the Oregonian newspaper. Note the photographer's tripod and legs top center

It looked pretty exciting...


This guy had a camera on his helmet



One photographer had this cool helicopter camera setup


Here's the guy getting ready to fly it

Photographers getting all set up

A stop at windy ridge on the way home. That's Mt Adams in the background. The Lewis River Falls campground was about halfway between St Helens and Adams

The St. Helens crater from Windy Ridge

Dave made a call on the ham radio VHF-FM from the 4100 ft level of St Helens

Talked to Robin N7GSU 150 miles away for a few minutes

A one-mile hike to the edge of Spirit Lake for a picnic lunch

Alpine wildflower "Indian Paintbrush"

One third of the lake was still covered in floating logs from the 1900 eruption


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