Clearing Debris with the New Excavator                    

Driving down to the bridge
Note all of the wood debris on both sides of the bridge. Debris from last winter's storms is clogging the creek and causing undermining of the bridge supports

On the bridge and positioning for debris removal.
Note the extra 2x6's we added for the extra width of the Komatsu tracks.

Reaching down to remove the first of the logs and debris Earl pulling out the first of several logs blocking the Jordan Creek channel.  More on Jordan Creek bridges
Norsk Hytte on the other side of the bridge.
More on the Norsk hytte
Earl reaching and pulling out old log debris. 
More on Valhalla Equipment
Shot of the road to the back forty acres. 
Note the Huckleberry Hill trail sign
Dragging the Valhalla road system with home-made drag

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