A Trip to Norway 

August 2008

Copenhagen City Square

Oslo Airport High Speed Train 

Dinner in Oslo with Roger and Daughter Kjersti, Husband Erling 

L to R Erling, Kjersti, Roger, Shannon, David


Dinner in Oslo with Arne

The Viking Ship. 
Was a spectacular piece of workmanship...Must see to appreciate. The oak boards were carbon-dated to have been cut down in 890.
Viking Ship Museum Webpage

Two Italian Guys we met while traveling. When we ran into them a second time, it was a picture 

"Flam Train" from Myrdal to Flom to begin the 1st Fjord Tour.
Train descends from 1200 Meters to Sea Level on some spectacular switchbacks.
Flam Train Website

 This is why the train stopped, a spectacular waterfall. We were standing there looking at it and music began to play from hidden speakers and a maiden came out and slowly danced around on the foundation remains in the center right of the photo.

Nice Waterfall and passing ship-Sognefjord 

Motoring up the Sognefjord. It was raining but still some of the most interesting Fjords we had seen.

Coffee on the street in Bergen


Bergen Fishmarket
We bought ropen-faced french rolls piled high with fresh shrimp for 20Kr, about 50 cents


Bergen Kings house face sculpture Circa 1500

Bergen Kings house face sculpture Circa 1500

Fjord trip from Bergen to Trondheim with cousin Jon Kristian and Grete on the Hurtigruten Ferry 


Shot of the Fjord as we motored from Trondheim.
Lots of waterfalls and vertical rock cliffs

Another Fjord shot. Depths beneath the keel were about 1,000 ft

Looking back along the deck. Note the mine to the far right.

One of the Ferry stops was at a town called Allesson (pronounced Olson)
Note the ornate construction of this dock warehouse over 100 yrs old. This town is known for it's art noveau architecture


In Trondheim, at the top of Naderos Church. Shannon, David, Jon Kristian

Downtown Trondheim, we felt it was very much like Seattle

Old Trondheim  Waterfront "Brygge"

Another shot of the Trondheim Brygge


WW2 German Submarine pens now reconstructed but still retained the name "Dora" for sub pen "D"

Naderos Church in Trondheim. It started out as a Catholic Church. 
(Note the saints) It  converted to Protestant during the reformation in 1500's

We attended a birthday party for Bjarne, ome of our oldest relatives

Another shot from Bjarne's birthday Party.
L to R  Vegard , Johann, Roger, Greta, Brit


Norwegian cousins meet! Jannike and Shannon, 

More Bjarne's Birthday Party
L to R Jorgen, Roger, Raeder, Vegard

Church in Storen, the village where my grandfather was born

A View looking west from the farm where my Grandfather  grew up. The place is called Granmo

Here's Nels, one of the residents of the Granmo farm. He teaches school and was interested in explaining the history of the farm and the area. 

We walked around the old farm  
Here's Jon Giesle, Nels and a very friendly horse getting in on the conversation.

Here's a shot of Jon Kristian's  Hydro power plant. It was showing 40KW into the power grid. 

Here's the Dam that feeds the turbine. Its about 300 ft  above the turbine and 2400 ft away. 

Here's Dave and Jon Kristian  in the Hydro power house


The HydroPower building

Shannon and Jon Gisle at Jon Kristian's  Hytte. Note the grass roof and photovoltiac panel

Reindeer StewvDinner at the Hytte
L to R David, Shannon, Ingri, Grete, Alfheld, Karen, Jon Kristian

Reindeer on the Wall at the Hytte. There was a disagreement as to who has actually shot it. Dad or Son

Hike to the summit of "Little Mountain" Shannon is signing the register

Shannon feeding Jon Kristian's sheep at the Hytte

Copper mine town of Roros

Church in Roros. Note the company logo on the steeple. Copper mining began in the 1600's and continued until 1997. Strange Mausoleum We Saw

Here's a shot inside the mine. Huge galleries were carved out and the ore carried to the surface by various methods over the last 300 yrs. This was about 900 ft below ground. 
Roros webpage

On the train from Storen to Oslo

Back to Copenhagen and home to Seattle

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